Sunday, February 24, 2013

In Morning's Glow

In Morning's Glow by George Bruckner
In Morning's Glow, a photo by George Bruckner on Flickr.

Where does one find their inspiration? For me it is what I see, hear, feel, experience and find interesting. This is a simple image of light play over the grass by one of the meadows in the Cariboo. It is the result of observation and waiting.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


83F0714 by George Bruckner
83F0714, a photo by George Bruckner on Flickr.

There is still some beauty left in the Badlands of Alberta.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Prairie Bound, Saskatchewan

83F4942-1 by George Bruckner
83F4942-1, a photo by George Bruckner on Flickr.

Standing still on the prairie of Saskatchewan, defying the weather elements.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Calliope Hummingbird

2007-0644 by George Bruckner
2007-0644, a photo by George Bruckner on Flickr.

Rewards do happen, after spending some time one spring in one of the meadow’s in the Cariboo, I had the opportunity to capture this image of a Calliope hummingbirds. Thank you for looking and for your words you leave on this blog.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Calliope Hummingbird

Calliope_608-0071 by George Bruckner
Calliope_608-0071, a photo by George Bruckner on Flickr.

In few months these little birds will be arriving back to Cariboo to start another generation. This is the smallest breeding bird found in Canada. Thank you for looking.

Red breasted Nuthatch_1208-0028

A busy little winter's visitor at the bird feeder. Image capture in 100 Mile House, British Columbia, Canada.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Saturday, February 9, 2013


0811_MG_8305 by George Bruckner
0811_MG_8305, a photo by George Bruckner on Flickr.

Grizzly bear's bond and tenderness. Image captured in Hyder, Alaska.

Willow Picking_509-0239

Moose picking pussy willows in the Cariboo, British Columbia.

Friday, February 1, 2013

"Two Is A Crowd"

"Two Is A Crowd" by George Bruckner
"Two Is A Crowd", a photo by George Bruckner on Flickr.

Bald eagles in the interior of British Columbia, known as the Cariboo region.


2009-0012web by George Bruckner
2009-0012web, a photo by George Bruckner on Flickr.

Going All The Way


"Spotted" by George Bruckner
"Spotted", a photo by George Bruckner on Flickr.

Bald eagle after it prey, 100 Mile House, B.C.

"Shooting the Breeze"

"Shooting the Breeze" by George Bruckner
"Shooting the Breeze", a photo by George Bruckner on Flickr.

Immature Bald Eagle of 100 Mile House, B.C.

"Meadow's Nomad"

"Meadow's Nomad" by George Bruckner
"Meadow's Nomad", a photo by George Bruckner on Flickr.

Trickster of Loch Lomond, north of 70Mile House, B.C.

"Cariboo's Snow Storm"

Cariboo's Snow Storm


11_09-0005bw by George Bruckner
11_09-0005bw, a photo by George Bruckner on Flickr.

Canadian Geese On The Move


11_09-0011 by George Bruckner
11_09-0011, a photo by George Bruckner on Flickr.

Abandoned Elevator


Abanded, a set on Flickr.

Bents grain elevator, Saskatchewan. i